Annual Needs

Annual Needs

For the past 60 years, our Etheem Khana has had nothing of its own - any stable property nor any steady source of income to run this great establishment. It functions smoothly, mainly by the Grace of the Almighty Allah as well as the grand co-operation of the good, benevolent people all over. The donors extend the gracious donations in the form of Zakkath, Sadhakka, Qurbani hides and the like. But, in recent years, the sale of the hides of Qurbani has been less profitable and the expenses done to collect the hides in and around our district have been on the rise. Hence, income on these Qurbani hides are diminishing over the years.

The ever-rising hike in commodities, electricity charges, educational expenses, transportation, salary to staff, building maintenance, and future needs of the etheems here and of the Etheem Khana are on the rise every day. The monthly expenses for all these needs come to about Rs.9 lakhs. It costs Rs.4500/- a month for a single etheem student. You, with your friends and family members too could take part in helping the etheems here by extending your kind hearts and hands.

Al - Ameen Etheem Khana