Mode of Payment

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Mode of Donation

Kindly forward your generous and gracious ZAKKATH, SADHAKA, QURBANI AND AQEEQA by cheque, demand draft, M.O., or online transfer to the following address. Kindly log on and share over E-Mail, WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, and Twitter - round the clock, for details.

AL-AMEEN Etheem Khana
Al-Ameen Nagar, K.Pudur, Madurai - 625 007, Tamil Nadu, India.
Mobile: +91 98420 2176, +91 97894 89494

Bank account details

A/c Name: AL-AMEEN Etheem Khana
Current A/c No: 435401010010013
IFSC Code: UBIN0803499
Union Bank of India,
South Masi Street, Madurai - 625 001.
Al - Ameen Etheem Khana