Donate Liberally

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Donate Liberally

Mohammed (Sal) once kept his two fingers tightly together and said to his followers, "People who help Etheems and myself would be like this in the Aakhirath". Aren't you interested in getting yourself with Rasul (Sal)? Moreover, Mohammed (Sal) says, “The Noble Home is the home that cares the Etheems”, such a home is the Madurai Al-Ameen Etheem Khana. Aren’t you ready yet to extend a kind hand to such a noble home ? your conscience says YES.

Kindly extend your gracious hands to help fulfill the dreams and the well-being of the etheems here in the form of Zakkath, Sadhaka, and all other sorts of help and aids. Your Zakkath is the base for the etheems' education and food. Also, kindly bring in your family members, your near and dear ones to take part in this noble venture of helping the etheems to rise and raise in their life. Even a small help of yours will get a huge record with the Almighty Allah. Hence, we request you to donate well, to enlighten the lives of the etheem children.

Al - Ameen Etheem Khana